I choose to live right, as I believe that God expects me to do what is right, and that there is a reward for every good deed and a punishment for evil ones.​

Hello! My name is James Arukhe. I take pride in my successful career of 25 years, mostly in the oil and gas industry. Dealing with culturally diverse clients has provided me with the opportunity to leverage on my uniqueness in ways that work within my specific contexts. I intend to hold unto my commitments of taking a strategic view and discharging my responsibilities with above-board conduct, values, and principles, maintaining integrity at all times

About Me

A life-long learner, an educator, and a lead engineer par excellence who firmly believes that one’s consequences of actions are eternal; hence, this globally competent professional has been accustomed to practicing ways and cultivating habits that would lead to a desirable future. Reading the personal, educational, and professional background of this man is worth noting for, as he developed and nurtured valuable relationships with all the people he met along the way—toward Dr. James Arukhe’s own roadmap to success.
Organizational Leadership
As a graduate of Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership at the University of Phoenix, I aim to deliver strategic and creative solutions while I influence change in my profession, in the community, and in the companies I have worked for. The degree also provides me an opportunity to explore my personal readiness and gain a mastery of leadership literature, as well as demonstrate my competence, as I continuously contribute new knowledge to my profession and the society.
General Management and Supervision
Throughout the course of my career, I have developed broad skill sets to effectively manage and lead people and organizations. In doing so, I make sure to bring value to organizations that need high-performing individuals to drive business results.
Change Management
Change management entails sensitive implementation after thorough and thoughtful planning; and for this, I take pride in my profound knowledge and valuable experience in change management tools, methodologies, and principles honed throughout my more than 20-year successful career in the oil and gas industry. I have been able to capture sales, increase, and streamline operations through the change management strategies I have developed and implemented. With a structured approach, I have ensured thorough, smooth implementation, and the lasting achievement of the benefits of change.
Analytical and Decision Making
As a leader, I weigh alternatives and find solutions to problems through my analytical approach to decision-making. I prefer direct observations, facts, and data to help determine the best course of action and achieve the best outcome. I have a high tolerance for ambiguity, making me a careful decision-maker who can adapt or cope with unique and challenging situations. I always seek continuous improvements, even if these result in organizational design of a familiar organization.
Business Judgement
Many tell me that diplomacy comes to me naturally. I think the reason is because even though I may be critical in reasoning, as I often seek multiple perspectives, I often do not criticize nor become judgmental without weighing facts or considering evidence. I believe that clear vision and consistent communication, together with good business judgment, are fundamental to effective leadership.
Responsible Citizenship
Every one ought to be a responsible citizen because responsible citizenship will result in a happy and harmonious community. For me, to be a truly responsible citizen, one has to help the society, even if this means personal sacrifice—the same approach I undertake—allotting time and putting forth much effort for the greater good of the people in the community. I accept several philosophies but I endeavor to welcome God and make Him comfortable in my everyday life by setting my mind on appropriate things, such as being a channel of blessings to others. I sponsor, volunteer, and support the following:
  • Educational support for the gifted but disadvantaged
  • Food for the Poor Inc.
  • Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial, Disctrict 5360
  • Friends of Canada
  • Youth Programs
  • Mission
As a graduate of Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership at the University of Phoenix, I aim to deliver strategic and creative solutions while I influence change in my profession, in the community, and in the companies I have worked for. The degree also provides me an opportunity to explore my personal readiness and gain a mastery of leadership literature, as well as demonstrate my competence, as I continuously contribute new knowledge to my profession and the society.
Throughout the course of my career, I have developed broad skill sets to effectively manage and lead people and organizations. In doing so, I make sure to bring value to organizations that need high-performing individuals to drive business results.
Change management entails sensitive implementation after thorough and thoughtful planning; and for this, I take pride in my profound knowledge and valuable experience in change management tools, methodologies, and principles honed throughout my more than 20-year successful career in the oil and gas industry. I have been able to capture sales, increase, and streamline operations through the change management strategies I have developed and implemented. With a structured approach, I have ensured thorough, smooth implementation, and the lasting achievement of the benefits of change.
As a leader, I weigh alternatives and find solutions to problems through my analytical approach to decision-making. I prefer direct observations, facts, and data to help determine the best course of action and achieve the best outcome. I have a high tolerance for ambiguity, making me a careful decision-maker who can adapt or cope with unique and challenging situations. I always seek continuous improvements, even if these result in organizational design of a familiar organization.
Many tell me that diplomacy comes to me naturally. I think the reason is because even though I may be critical in reasoning, as I often seek multiple perspectives, I often do not criticize nor become judgmental without weighing facts or considering evidence. I believe that clear vision and consistent communication, together with good business judgment, are fundamental to effective leadership.

Every one ought to be a responsible citizen because responsible citizenship will result in a happy and harmonious community. For me, to be a truly responsible citizen, one has to help the society, even if this means personal sacrifice—the same approach I undertake—allotting time and putting forth much effort for the greater good of the people in the community. I accept several philosophies but I endeavor to welcome God and make Him comfortable in my everyday life by setting my mind on appropriate things, such as being a channel of blessings to others. I sponsor, volunteer, and support the following:

  • Educational support for the gifted but disadvantaged
  • Food for the Poor Inc.
  • Rotary Club of Calgary Centennial, Disctrict 5360
  • Friends of Canada
  • Youth Programs
  • Mission

SPE Full Tour Schedule

Type in a keyword for my specific tour schedule
Thu January 14, 2021
06:00 PM Local
Maputo, MozambiqueActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tue January 19, 2021
11:00 AM Local
Cape Town, South AfricaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed January 20, 2021
05:00 PM Local
Windhoek, NamibiaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri January 22, 2021
05:30 AM Local
Accra, GhanaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon January 25, 2021
11:00 AM Local
Abuja, NigeriaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tue January 26, 2021
04:30 PM Local
Benin City, NigeriaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Thu January 28, 2021
04:30 PM Local
Port Harcourt, NigeriaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon February 1, 2021
06:00 PM Local
Paramaibo, SurinameActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed February 3, 2021
06:00 PM Local
Port of Spain, TrinidadActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri February 5, 2021
03:00 PM Local
Bucaramanga, ColombiaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon February 08, 2021
11:00 AM Local
Neuquen, ArgentinaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed February 10, 2021
12:00 PM Local
Quito, EcuadorActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Thu February 11, 2021
05:00 PM Local
Caracas, VenezuelaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon February 15, 2021
02:00 PM Local
Maracaibo, VenezuelaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed February 17, 2021
11:00 AM Local
Maturin, VenezuelaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed May 12, 2021
05:00 PM Local
Nicosia, CyprusActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri May 14, 2021
11:00 AM Local
Campina, RomaniaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tue May 18, 2021
05:00 PM Local
Oslo, NorwayActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed May 19, 2021
07:00 PM Local
Stavanger, NorwayActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Thu May 20, 2021
06:30 PM Local
Dublin, IrelandActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon May 24, 2021
06:00 PM Local
Dorset, England, UKActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tue May 25, 2021
07:00 PM Local
London, England, UKActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed May 26, 2021
04:30 PM Local
Paris, FranceActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri December 11, 2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MassachusettsActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Universidad Nacional De Ingenieria, UNI, (National University of Engineering), Lima, PeruActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Escuela Politécnica Nacional, EcuadorActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology), AlbertaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Colorado School of MinesActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Wed December 02, 2020Kwame Nkrumah'​ University of Science and Technology, KumasiActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
IFP SchoolActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri November 20, 2020
06:00PM Local
Heriot-Watt University, AberdeenActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus CampusActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Dhaka University, BangladeshActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Dawood University of Engineering and Technology, Karāchi, Sindh, PakistanActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tashkent (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University))Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, IndiaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Hasanuddin University SC, IndonesiaActive Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Thu November 19, 2020
03:00PM Local
Uganda Section: National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Uganda Wildlife (UWA)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri October 16, 2020
11:00AM Local
Cambodia Section: Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tue October 13, 2020
07:00PM Local
Powder River Basin Section: Gillette, Wyoming (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon October 12, 2020
09:00AM Local
Bahrain Section: Awali, Bahrain (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Fri October 09, 2020
12:00PM Local
Portugal Section: Lisbon, Portugal (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Thu September 17, 2020
11:00AM Local
Juba Section: Juba, South Sudan (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Tue September 15, 2020
06:00PM Local
Uganda Section: Entebbe, Uganda (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Mon September 07, 2020
09:00AM Local
Nairobi Section: Nairobi, Kenya (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems
Sun September 06, 2020
06:00PM Local
Northern Emirates Section: Dubai, Northern Emirates (Virtual)Active Oilfield Development while Preserving Fragile Ecosystems


James is result-oriented-and continuously develops himself for tomorrow’s challenges.​

Sylvester Iduseri​

Project Engineer-Interface Coordinator Topsides Engineering Coordinator, Total Upstream Nigeria (TUPNI)

James has always been very detailed professional and a dependable team member.

ID Victor

Sales Manager, Baker Hughes

James Arukhe was a customer-oriented person that took his work as a service company personnel seriously. Good technical skills & quick to pick up/learn new things.

Sarah Olayemi

Production Engineering leader

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